I hadn’t realised, when I went, that Baked by Keiran was a bit of a successful enterprise with five bakeries spread throughout East and South Sydney. I had imagined at the time that the guy who had corrected my pronunciation and sold me these two baked goods was the Keiran written on the label, but it turns out after visiting their website and reading about the company that he was clearly just a guy who worked there.

I chose this orange almond & blackberry cake ($6.90) as the first of two items to supplement my haul from Dulwich Hill Pork Roll around the corner. This cake was on the denser side, in line with my partner’s preference, and happily not too sweet. I think the dominant flavour of the cake was cake itself, with some almond in it as well. The orange was subtle, and the blackberry was similarly present but reasonably scarce. I would’ve much preferred the fruits, in particular the blackberry, to have made a greater showing. It was overall good, however.

The first time I had a canelé ($3.50) I didn’t know what it was called. I admitted to as much in my review of Babyface Kitchen, where I really did what I could to avoid having to name it. Fast forward a year and while I know what it’s called, I still didn’t know how it’s called. I was a little embarrassed when the guy (not Keiran) corrected my pronunciation, but this is how we learn. I enjoyed the caramelise crust and the gooey, glutinous centre, though as a guy who doesn’t even know how to say the name I also don’t know what it’s meant to taste like. I’ve never had the benchmark or textbook canelé, though this tasting will of course inform subsequent ones.
Baked by Keiran Dulwich Hill
455 Marrickville Rd, Dulwich Hill NSW 2203
(02) 8065 6222