Instant Noodles

Uni-President The King of Tomato – Instant Noodle Review

We interrupt your regular programming for an impromptu review of Uni-President’s “The King of Tomato” instant noodle/ramen cup.

This cup noodle was taken out of its natural habitat and cooked on the stove with an addition of two eggs. The noodles were ordinary, but the soup was delicious. It had a rich tomato taste and tomato, as you are aware, is rich in glutamic acid, one of the key umami providing compounds in food. Every sip of soup provided a wave of umami flavours to my senses and left me wanting for more. The packet included these little soft egg bits which were a bit weird, a bit fishy, and no substitute for real egg.

A recommendation.

2 replies on “Uni-President The King of Tomato – Instant Noodle Review”

This was my favorite cup noodle while I lived in China. It is just as you described, and I also always added two eggs in a tiny cook pot. I would order it by the case from taobao for late night cram sessions. Thank you for the memories.

I had one on my recent trip to guangzhou and im in love with the beef flavour. Gonna venture to scarlett to see if they have it or not. If not i am going to cheong taobao already. Its really a nice hit by the accidental buy from 7-11

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